At the end of the first month of 2021, Britain struggles with 2 major crises: The pandemic and Brexit. Both are having a detrimental and sometimes catastrophic effect on business in the UK. To an extent, Covid-19 has distracted from the changes brought about by Brexit. Even though leaving Europe does not appear to have resulted in the nightmare envisaged by commerce and consumers alike, it is causing a bit of a headache behind the scenes for business. So, how are courier services and international delivery services coping with the virus and Brexit?
A light at the end of the tunnel
Day by day we all wait for the latest news about Covid -19. The new vaccines of course are the light at the end of the tunnel, and it is a race now to vaccinate the population before the new Covid mutations take a hold. Distribution is being rolled out effectively and restrictions to keep us safe remain in place. But at the same time the economy must stay afloat.
Courier services, the virus and restrictions
Here at Same-Day Dispatch Services Ltd, we are proud to be recognised as one of the major delivery services operating in the UK and indeed around the globe. We know the presence of Covid-19 and the resulting restrictions are likely to put up obstacles in everyday business functioning. However, we believe by monitoring breaking news, new regulations and government policies we can stay ahead of the game. Only this way can we put changes in place and keep our courier services safe, fast and reliable for our loyal customers.
Brexit and courier services
But it is not easy. It wasn’t until the twelfth hour of the long-drawn out Brexit wrangles that UK business could finally see what the new commercial landscape would look like after leaving Europe. Overall, it seems outcomes have been better than anticipated. The main changes will be around documentation and specific paperwork needed when crossing European borders. For a time, this may cause a little disruption to supply chains, but they are more likely to be teething problems as businesses become familiar with the new inevitable infrastructures in logistics.
However, as new strains of Covid-19 are detected abroad, the prime minister has considered totally closing the UK borders. At the moment, anyone entering the UK must have a Covid-19 test which proves negative.
How those in essential courier services are seen as keyworkers
The government is methodically distributing the vaccine. There were a few problems at first. It seems there is a good supply of vaccines, but we also need to put an infrastructure in place to make sure it is given out in an appropriate way. The Conservative Party believes that those most vulnerable should receive the vaccine first. The second category includes frontline workers. But who is classed as frontline workers? Are courier services included here?
Interestingly, the UK government has finally recognised vaccine supply chain employees as frontline workers. This is not just because of day to day logistics for business fulfilling their supply chain needs. Or courier services fulfilling residential deliveries. The reason for this change is due to an essential need for the flow of vaccines to be shipped from abroad (i.e. Pfizer). And there is also a need for vaccines manufactured in the UK to be delivered to overseas countries (i.e Oxford/AstraZeneca). So those employees working in essential courier services, warehouses and haulage are necessarily putting themselves at risk and need as much protection as possible.
Covid test kit service from Same-Day
At Same-Day Dispatch Services Ltd we are proud to offer a service which supports the battle against Covid-19. As well as offering general services to a diverse selection of medical departments, we offer a specialist service: Our Covid Test courier Services. We can get your Covid test kit delivered on the same day – making sure results get to you as fast as possible.
Whether local or international tasks, our courier services offer the utmost in safe, fast delivery. Indeed, all our couriers wear appropriate masks, keep the appropriate distance at all times. Safety and speed, whatever the challenge, is our priority.
Tags: Courier Services, Couriers, International Couriers, International Delivery, Parcel Delivery, Same Day Couriers Service